Flower Arranging

.   The 2021-22 Flower Arranging Committee has had a full and fun year. With such a large group of members we can always count on our members to come through when needed. The Hospitality table was beautiful every month that meetings were held.  Our largest project was the Christmas tea which was so beautiful

Youth Garden Clubs Committee

The Youth Gardeners Committee is dedicated to its mission of promoting and assisting in the organization of Garden Clubs among our area’s young citizens, from pre-school through high school age. Our responsibilities are to: Support the activities of all Youth Garden Clubs in their scheduled activities Work with children to educate, enlighten and encourage a

Conservation Department

The Conservation Department voted to support a new project this year. We are working with Keep New Hanover Beautiful. This is an environmental non-profit organization based in Wilmington. It is a registered affiliate of Keep America Beautiful. The mission of this organization is to reduce litter, improve recycling efforts, and beautify New Hanover County. Some

Bees, Birds and Butterflies

  In the Fall of 2021 the Bees, Birds and Butterflies Committee hosted a presentation by Andy Fairbanks of Wilmington Parks and Recreation. We learned that Wilmington is an official Bee City. There are requirements to keep this designation (see BeeCityUSA.org). The New Hanover County Beekeepers Association helps Halyburton, a county park, be a pollinator

Civic Improvements

The Civic Improvements Committee completed their big project for the 2023-24 year as they joined forces with the New Hanover County Parks Conservancy staff to plant 100 long-leaf pine trees on Tuesday, December 5, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. at Long Leaf Park. The planting went quickly and all 100 trees were planted in an hour’s

Bird Islands Cruise

Bird Islands Cruise Photo Credit: Lindsay Addison, Audubon North Carolina’s Coastal Biologist 2025 Bird Island Cruise – Tickets on Sale NOW Join us for an educational and enjoyable cruise along the nine Lower Cape Fear River Islands, nesting sites of Brown Pelicans, White Ibis, Royal Terns, Great Egrets, American Oystercatchers, and other water birds on

Beautification Endowment

The Beautification Endowment was created to award grants to support the beautification and maintenance of public areas in Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina. At present, the Endowment has a balance of $190,259.40. Interest in the amount of $7,010.00 will be available to give out in grants for 2022. We continue to work with the

Battery Island

The Cape Fear Garden Club has over a 28-year relationship working closely with the AUDUBON NC’s Coast Office and its biologists to maintain safe habitats for the migratory birds and the islands where they nest in the Lower Cape Fear River. Battery Island is considered a “Globally Important Bird Area” as thousands of water birds

Airlie Showcase Garden

Airlie Showcase Garden was first created in March of 2016.  The committee members maintain our “Southern Garden” by dividing into four teams.  We work on a weekly rotation to manage our garden throughout the year.  We are one of the few committees that work year round. This year all committee members gathered on several occasions